Friday, December 25, 2009

This Christmas

Taught me alot, I showed my ass only to have a mirror reflect its ugliness. Can I do better? YES, Will I? YES... I totally wanna send an apology to Jesus.. I'm sorry for my actions, (physical or spoken) Love you and 2010 here comes a new MAN

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

The Truth

Love is blind, and it will take over your mind
What you think is love, is truly not
You need to elevate and find

Love No Limit

Love No Limit... Ship it, love is for them sucka muthafuckas, stay wit it, i quit it, another faze, another day

Sunday, November 1, 2009


Something happened to me when I was younger that Killed my spirit....

Wednesday, October 28, 2009

The Beauty of Nature


I really enjoy nature... I took some pics at a cust home of the scene and I'll post later i promise, I enjoy simple things such as beautiful trees, clouds, nature in General.... Beauty lies within my eyes and I allow the beauty I see to travel to my mind so that it can prepair for transformation before shooting out my mouth... with that being said ... Love yourself and appreciate the beauty from within

Friday, October 23, 2009


It definately has to be the God in ME.... Sorry about the BS post before but I'll try and keep my mind out the gutta

Thursday, September 10, 2009

from now on going into 2k10

I'm Gonna MAKE YOU LOVE ME.... My Music, My Mind, & My Heart

Friday, July 31, 2009

Friday, July 24, 2009

The Best Messenger EVER goes to...
Download it, it's fun... Just got off a video chat with the twin......DOPEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE

Saturday, July 18, 2009

the twin

I love being a twin.... Thanks God

Is it just me...

or am i the best writer ALIVE

Just a Post & a pic

I think we set the pace for what people think about us... I saw this cat out the other day and his ass was out meaning he was saggin heavy and he has the nerve to get an attitude because of the way the Casions, lol responded to his attire... I'm like dude are u serious???? if you look harmful then people respond in a defensive way. I'm not saying don't do you... but at least take pride in your appearence when in public and learn how to speak..,. I hate when the news always finds the worst talking people to occupy tv space... That's why I always preach about Knowledge Being Power

The War...

See I do have 2 blogs, I love em both and I feel that if I post on one then I should bless the other... mmmm... lol, I would bash women but ... naw... ok ok, this will be about what comes out of peoples mouths... Have you ever heard the saying if you don't have anything good to say then don't say anything @ all.... my point is SPEAK with meaning, sometimes think about what you say and how you say things because how a person receives it depends on how you deliver it sometimes.

Sunday, July 12, 2009


eh, i was slick looking at the pic, were I have the Snitch Label... I'm slick fat as hell, lol

MoJoe Music Label

WHATEVER the cause is Imma ride for my Dogs

Thursday, July 9, 2009


4 all those who have experianced hurt... it never hurts to love yourself... appreciate YOU!!!!

Saturday, June 27, 2009


all these years and I only got two followers, so sad, but i'll keep writing, God reads my blogs and he likes it :)

My soul lives within my writings

Dreams ARE real... all you have to do is just believe. Motivate your minds to chase your dreams

its worth a read


I'm so sick of the "STOP SNITCHING BULLSHIT", Now I remember growing up and If someone did something in my family and someone asked about it, you had to be honest & tell the truth. Ex: My twin bro took the cookie after he asked Grandma who said NO, He sneaks in and takes the cookie after we tell him he shouldn't. Grandma finds out the cookie is missing, Knowing who did it but not one to place blame she comes and ask us (but with a switch in hand) - (if anyone has ever felt the wrath of a switch swung by a old person) shit hurts, anyways who am I to not say that this kid took the cookie, he took it he should taKE that ass whoopin too right????? I FIGURED YOU'D AGREE. Anyways I'm not one to just go out and just start telling peoples business, I'm speaking on... Just say Mike killed Lex earlier that day, He later hangs with you and some friends and braggs about killing Lex and hides the gun somewhere nearby, Well you're cruzin and the cops pull ya'll over and Mike fits the description of the suspect but Mike claims he's been with the crew all day and he has proof.... The police feel like if he was with us all day then we helped him Murder Lex so they take us all in to custody and try to pin it on all of us.... It's not looking Good, The police question the crew and there stories are not adding up and shit and It comes to me, (Look at the situation this STupid MoFo done got us in) Mr. Blank???? Where you with the Victim all Day????? Nope, Approximately when did you link up? Around 4:30pm sir, Well he said he was with ya'll all day, you calling him a Lier????? Yes Sir, Do you think Mike cares about ya'll? Sir if Mike cared I wouldn't be sitting in here now..... LOOK i don't even want to put all this up but look at it this way...... It's so many guys in prison because they don't wanna be labeled a snitch... In there for the Next MoFo.........PLEASE.... Not me, so you gonna leave your life, FAMILY, True friends behind cause you don't wanna TELL THE TRUTH on a MOFO, tah it aint snitching if they ask you, it's telling the truth... True story: Guy in Memphis gets murdered, stabbed to Death by 3 guys and 40 people saw it but the police can't help the family seek justice & can't catch the killers because of the STREETS "No SNitching Rule"... 1st off why would 40 mofos just stand by and let 3 mofos kill a kid, and then when the cops get there aint nobody seen shit... Senseless shit, so 3 NIggaz who did a crime can and will continue living on the streets ready to kill again since they apparently can get away with it, is worth this boy's life? What if the shit happens to your kid?????? Would you SNITCH?????

Thursday, June 25, 2009

Stay Tuned.... I'm Back Babeeee

Tuesday, March 10, 2009


Guess who's coming home???????????

Saturday, February 21, 2009

Thought of the night.....

De Vo Tion - I Grumpy will place more emphasis on devotion dealing with myself, my music, and my priorities.

Thursday, February 12, 2009


today happened like it did, so tommorrow can happen like it should!!!!!!! oh by the way....... I love my FAMILY, Here's a snapshot of mi familiar minus 1... yep I'm kindof chubby in this pic but pay close attention to the pics afterwards. Dedicated to getting my mind, my soul, and my body in shape.