Sunday, November 23, 2008


Just got through eating a Pepperoni Pizza... Deeeeeeeelishous, lol

To My Readers

Growth is needed... Continue to grow as I am, dispose of the trash in your life and change for the better...


Sunday, November 16, 2008




Greatness NEVER rest.... lol

Saturday, November 15, 2008

On my mind.... Thought I should share.

Keep your Faith in yourself, Dreams are real, all you have to do is just believe.

New Job... Same Racism - Abortion blog

So....... What's up America, I know.. I Know.. It's been a minute but I een busy. I will apologize for depriving you of your fix... you addicts, lol anyways, So I started a new job, Making some great money and constructing a new attitude. While in training, note I'm the only black male in the class but hey... I'm in. Anywho, My instructor who is white as well as the other whites make little small comments about race and stuff that I blow off because I'm above the BULL. Anyways...So this one day in class, Obama comes up and the instructor begans to speak on him (note... I have heard him and the others say little smart as comments before), as he speaks I give him the eye like; say something out of line... anyways he catches my eye and gets the drift, lol he says, man Obama was cool, and I would have voted for him but I dont like his views on abortion, He wants to kill babies and I aint with that.. I couldnt vote for him, Even if a person is raped they should have the baby, God let's things happen for a reason, etc... So I'm like is he serious??????? Anyways I get home and proceed to research on Obama's view on the issue and Honestly I think they misunderstood his views. Obama says he isnt actually for abortion but he does think that is should be a choice of the mother... I agree, I too am not an advocate for abortion but I honestly believe it should be a womans choice. So I wanted to through out a scenerio, What if a white family, a anti-Black, white family... What if the white lady who hates blacks was raped by a black man and so happens to get pregnant.. what does she do, does she have the now biracial baby or would she abort it??????? You answer this... I just feel that God gave us the gift of choice/decision making, Why take that right from a person, It should always be a choice. We live with our choices... not the government

Sunday, November 9, 2008

4me2remember - Ron Artest

Head A&R
Ronald Odum

Heidi Buech

Sunday, November 2, 2008

Failyn Caught my ear

i have changed, but who hasn't?? it was years ago since the people that i "fell out with" met and we were all different people from then until and i are different people. my question is, at what point do you ask yourself "is it worth it?" true friends wouldn't leave your side and if they do, they're not gone long. whose responsibility is it to reconcile? when neither of you feels like you're at fault, what happens now?? my whole point of this blog is that real friends are are relationships that are meant to be. whatever the issue is, if that person is that much of a friend, if there is an issue, talk it out...that's all. me and the people that i was speaking of in my life have all spoken and talked about what has happened. i don't feel we are as close as we used to be because when you give people a little time, they show their colors, don't you agree?


Thank you God

Caught ya ear??????

Instead of thinking of one's selfish feelings or emotions, at some point we have to look deep and dig deep to make something work and say "ok this is where it gets tough so thinking like our eldest ancestors before us it tells you to get closer together and make it work". If it's not worth it during the bad, it was worth even less during the good. Being a country boy that' s what i realize is missing. Everybody just wanna fuck for material things. I miss the old men and women sitting on the porch on the block in the country. They told you that if you had someone special and you showed them, you would never lose them. They told you what true love and friendships were worth more than. A true friend comes only so often in a lifetime but a true lover never comes again...because GOD only took one rib from each man to make his woman not two or to y'all later. holla at me with your comments if any.

Saturday, November 1, 2008