Friday, August 29, 2008

I'm n ATL

In ATLANTA, Pics & Vids coming soon....oh & Hi Haters

Sunday, August 24, 2008

What I'm Feeling

You Can't be successful unless you try!!!!!!!


I'm one hell of a friend to anyone and I do mean ANYONE. Personally I'm pretty private with my issues in life but People always confide in me with their problems. I seal everything they confide in me inside my heart, it travels through my veins, through my blood. Saying this, I question why people who trust u with everything crosses you or what i like to call cut me? When u cut me I bleed and what ruins through my blood????? you've guessed it, YOUR SECRETS, so be careful who u cross buddie, Unfortunately I'm not that type of guy so for now your secrets safe, But, If you keep cutting me blood will eventually get on other things, lol.

Saturday, August 23, 2008

Where u wanna be

You never realize what you've got until it's gone, If you have something special, open your eyes and realize it before it's too late. Love is one of those great gifts life brings so when it comes, value it wisely.

Thursday, August 21, 2008


This is crazy coming from me because I'm hella hard on people and I'm so unforgiving but this has got to be said. Strength lies in forgiveness, It's hard but we are human and being human means that we WILL make mistakes. Learning from your mistakes is what truely matters.

Wednesday, August 20, 2008

For the Ladies

The ones who waited all night for him to call, only to check the caller ID the next morning and be disappointed.The ones who made it through that bitter break up, driedyour own tears, and moved on with your life, only to have him walk back in it months later like nothing ever happened.Those of you who cried on the first day you talked again because you knew exactly where this phone call was going.The ones who listened to him say, I only want to be your friend,one day, and the next, listened to him say how much he loves and misses you.We deserve something, and this is our tribute.Here's to the ones that took him back, hoping that maybe this time, he was different, hoping that maybe people really do change.We listened to our friends tell us that we were stupid for even thinking about giving him another chance, caught crap from our parents, and even snuck around to see him for a while.We went through the great stage with no fights all over again. We started this out thinking it would be just friends, and ended up falling in love with him again.We wanted nothing more in the world than to hear him tell us he loved us too, that even though things were bad in the past, they would be different this time. And when we finally heard it, it was like we were dreaming. This is for us.Here's to the ones who believed what he said, sat around all over again waiting for a phone call that might come in a few hours, or a few days.Here's for the tears cried and dried all over again. We wanted sodesperately to believe that he was really busy, he couldn't possibly call us at that moment, or even that he fell asleep early.We trained ourselves to believe the lies because we wanted to believe we had found the one for us.We learned to SETTLE for someone who didn't treat us the way we should be treated.Here's for the ones who did their hair and make up and put on their prettiest earrings, only to hear him say that he couldn't see us today.The ones who never believed it when people told us there might be someone else. We just couldn't believe that he could do this to us again.This is for those great girls, who loved him more than words can say, and took him back no matter what happened last time because they couldn't bear to look back on their lives one day and wonder "what if".Here's to the girls who couldn't cry to their friends because of how stupid they felt. The ones who held it all in when things came crumbling to pieces again.This is for the ones who couldn't bear to even tell their mom what was going on, for fear of an "I told you so."The ones that could just TELL that they had made a mistake ever allowing him into their hearts, their beds, and their dreams again.We knew that we deserved better the entire time, that we deserved a guy who would call when he said he was going to, one that would come see us whenever he got the chance, one that would really care about us. We just wanted the one that we loved like that.Here's for the ones that FINALLY realized that he never gave a crap about them.Here's for the time that he broke your heart again. This is for those days spent trying to hold back the tears, and the tears that turned into anger, then disappointment.Here's for us girls who finally realized that wedeserve better. This is for those confusing days, when you miss him, and want nothing more than to hear his voice, or feel his arms around your waist. Stay strong, and remember that relationships are like broken glass, sometimes it's better to leave it alone rather than try to put the pieces back together and get hurt. Remember the times you cried, and how long ittook you to even be able to look at another guy like that.******When "your song" comes on the radio, turn the station. When the day comes that he realizes what a mistake he made and tries calling, turn your phone off. When he tries coming to your house, don't answer the door. Think of the broken promises, and the lies, the manipulation and the tears, the wasted moments and staying up all night wondering where the crap he was. Think of how your heart used to jump when your phone would vibrate in the middle of the night, and how it fell to your stomach when you saw it wasn't him, and realized that once again, he hadn't called when he said he was going to.*********One day, you'll find a guy who's worth all the tears, but he won't make you cry. You may think that you'll never care about someone like you did that guy that you always ran back to, but you will. It's gonna hurt like crap, and it's going to need time to heal, but the point is, it will heal.This is for those girls, who fell back in love with their ex, only toget hurt all over again

Characteristics of Happy Couples

Characteristics of Happy Couples

In a good relationship the commitment to all three aspects of it (oneself, one's partner, and the relationship) are strong. Conscious efforts can improve all three.
Commitment To The RelationshipThey focus on being a couple. They spend time alone as a couple, on a regular basis. All the other aspects of a healthy relationship are dependent on this time together. They do not view their relationship as dependent on other relationships, such as being the kids' mom and dad. They view their relationship as unique and special, in its own right. To improve? Schedule, schedule, schedule. Time alone will just not happen in many busy lives. Some do best with 30 minutes an evening. Others need a block of time on the weekend. Let other people (i.e. the kids) know that this is your time. Turn off the phone. Plan so the kids have food and entertainment. Discuss yourself, your partner, and the relationship. Continually update and revise your vision of your lives together. Catch up on the details of one another's lives outside the relationship. Talk about your childhood, tell your partner about significant events in your past, be they happy or sad, and how they affect you today. Discuss your feelings, emotions, and frustrations honestly but tactfully. They share a common vision that they change together. Good relationships form when the partners share common values, interests, and goals in life. But, over the course of a life together, many things change. Rather than pursuing completely individual paths to change and "drift apart", good couples pursue change together. They negotiate their differing needs and opinions to arrive at a common, but updated vision. To Improve? Make a list. List all the aspects of your lives together and where you hope to be in 5 years, 10 years, and beyond. They list is up to you, but money the most common reason for conflict in a relationship and should certainly be on the list. Other tangibles to discuss are children, where you will live, how you divide up work inside and outside the home. In the course of nailing down the tangibles the values and priorities will come into play. Some couples and families even write a mission statement. They share power equally and show signs of caring In good relationships one partner does not dominate the other. There is a true give and take in making decisions, and not a facade of equality. Gestures of caring are frequent. To improve? Judging equality in one's own relationship is inherently biased. Studies have shown most couples will state that they are equals in their relationship, but objective criteria will show the man has more control. Partner's satisfaction was tied more closely to the outside observer's assessment, rather than their own perceptions. Try to be objective and honest about this. Negotiate and change, if needed. Gestures of caring are a bit easier. Small gifts, physical affection, favors for the partner's personal goals, and compliments all go a long way. Keep a log of what you have done for your partner, make goals, note missed opportunities to say or do something nice and resolve to change it. (but do NOT keep a log of what they have done for you). In a busy life, you will be surprised how long you go without doing these types of things, unless you make a conscious effort. They Resolve Conflict in Healthy Ways They do not deny or suppress differences. They negotiate. They do not belittle one another. They look for win-win solutions. They are honest with one another, but gentle. To improve? Don't use the the word "you" in discussing frustrations, use the word "I". Say what the behavior makes you feel, how it impacts you, without blaming your partner.
Committment to HerselfWomen in healthy relationships have their own lives and identities aside from the relationship. Intimacy is not isolating. They have friends, activities, and interests outside the relationship. Being in the couple adds to their lives, but is not their lives. They do not try to be close to their partner at all times. They do not share every detail of their lives past or present with their partner. They have privacy. To Improve? Many women have trouble with this aspect. Men have a tradition of a night out with the boys. Women, especially working women with children, have so many duties and responsibilities that they don't feel they have time. Women are more conditioned to see their lives in terms of their relationships, especially their spouse or partner. Lesbian women tend to have trouble because they see each other as one another's total support system. Improvement here is tied to other aspects. Re-distribute responsibilities so that you have time carved out to pursue your own interests and friendships. Once you have the time, plan to use it.
Commitment to Her PartnerShe takes an interest in his life outside the relationship. She has positive regard for his characteristics. She tolerates non-destructive faults. She accepts that there will be short periods of falling out of love, annoyance, or trouble with him. She respects him. She treats him as he wishes to be treated, not as she would like someone to treat her. To improve? Finding out what your partner's work or outside life is like is something to be done during your time alone. Finding out how he wants to be treated is part of this too. Be open with one another, love causes many changes, it does not make you psychic. He is annoying the crap out of you. Think to yourself, will this matter in a year? If the answer is 'no' forget about it. If that doesn't work, can you change how you view it? Many couple hit hard times when the very characteristics that attracted, now infuriate them. Remember who you fell in love with. Is he pudgy, goofy, and scatterbrained? Or is he the hunky, zany, and spontaneous guy that got your attention at a party so many years ago. Even if it has nothing to do with what is annoying you, remember who you fell in love with. When behavior can't be overlooked, back to alone time and negotiate. Spell out exactly what displeases you and what you would like in its place. Don't make it a personal attack. Tell your partner how it affects you. Be willing to change some things too, if he counters.

Tuesday, August 19, 2008

A Good Man

As you all know I'm a writer, here is a small piece of a long poem I wrote entitled "A Good Man" Hope you enjoy
The Question of the day is what defines a good man? is it the kind of car he drives or his clothing brand? Is he popular with his peeps? got the good paying job? Athletic and artistic, just living it large, when he's out they pay attention, got a pocket full of cash, clubbing buying out the bar, making every moment last, is this your good man? the bachlor without a home who's desired by all?
What if I don't look like Denzel, Morris Chestnut, Shamar, Ginuwine, Usher, or T.I.?????? Does that not make me a good guy??????? I might not have the best job but i work honestly, and money is my motivation but it doesn't always come to me, and my car isnt the best, only cost 1000 bucks, but it gets the job done, never stranded or stuck, sometimes i like to be alone, don't always have to link up, prefer to get things accomplished and write down what i think up, I'm a go getter, not one to wait for things to happen but sometimes they come slow, but never dwelt on the bad cause it helped me grow.
God is my father, Anthony's my brother, I know ya'll don't care but Linda's my mother, I am very intelligent, with a great attitude, friendly with everyone, never one to be rude, I consider myself handsome, 6'4'' and a good catch personally, but I can't get a good woman, use to think something was wrong with me
Not really, Women are just confused about what they want, the thuggished type, who wants a quick fuck, well I'm not a thug, I'm just a country boy who knows what he deserves, someone I can grow old with and get on each others nerves, lol, see, I am a good man, with or without the looks or the money, with or without anyone, I am self-motivated, I drive my life and i stay away from the drama, alone on club nights, do better things with my money, I dont have all name brand clothes or all the J's, Not a materialistic person, like many of those today, focus is much bigger, than others can see, I know i'm gonna make it, I believe in me........................ .......................... .................. This is just a sample of a Very long poem


Excerpt From My Book "Thoughts of a Genius" Vol 1, The Relationship Process

Everyone who knows me knows I love to write and that I'm writing a book about building a healthier relationship entitled T.O.A.G. , I will start taking pieces of my writings and sharing with Myspace so I hope you guys enjoy.
Passage From A Guide to a healthier relationship page 16 Author T.O.A.G. a.k.a. Panic b.k.a. Andre'Prewitt
Growth & Change ( Relationship Process)
Change according to Webster's denotes a making or becoming distinctly different and implies either a radical transmutation of character or replacement with something else. To cause to become different; alter; transform; convert.
Many of us make the mistake in relationships by thinking and trying to change the other person. We put all our efforts in trying to "fix" and change our loved ones. Instead of accepting them and loving them as is, we think they would be so much better if only they would act and do things our way. We all want and need unconditional love. No one wants to feel that they can only be loved and accepted by someone if they change according to the wants and desires of that special someone. If you think you can change another person you are really fooling yourself. The only person you can change is you! Once you change others will change. Foe every action there is a reaction. As you change and grow others will change and grow. Change is scary and some people wont want you to change. The fear of the unknown keeps these people fromwanting any change in their lives and so they wont want to see you change. Don't allow allow other peoples fears to hold you back from making the positive changes you desire in life. If you want to change realize it takes time (GROWTH). Dont be hard on yourself if you fall back to old ways. (it happens) We are all creatures of habit. It took a long time for you to be who you are today and you shouldn't expect to change overnight. Also remember that CHANGE IS A CHOICE. You can choose to start today and learn to develop and create positive changes you want. Remember a good loving relationship is one that allows each person to be himself or herself. Each person needs the freedom to grow and change at their own pace as they see fit.

T.O.A.G. a.k.a. Andre' Prewitt b.k.a. Panic, I hope ya'll like it

Monday, August 18, 2008

Women, Know your worth?

If a man wants you, nothing can keep him away. If he doesn't want you, nothing can make him stay. Stop making excuses for a man and his behavior. Allow your intuition (or spirit) to save you from heartache. Stop trying to change yourselves for a relationship that's not meant to be. Slower is better. Never live your life for a man before you find what makes you truly happy. If a relationship ends because the man was not treating you as you deserve then heck no, you can't "be friends." A friend wouldn't mistreat a friend. Don't settle. If you feel like he is stringing you along, then he probably is. Don't stay because you think "it will get better." You'll be mad at yourself a year later for staying when things are not better. The only person you can control in a relationship is you. Avoid men who've got a bunch of children by a bunch of different women. He didn't marry them when he got them pregnant, Why would he treat you any differently? Always have your own set of friends separate from his. Maintain boundaries in how a guy treats you. If something bothers you, speak up. Never let a man know everything. He will use it against you later. You cannot change a man's behavior. Change comes from within. Don't EVER make him feel he is more important than you are...even if he has more education or in a better job. Do not make him into a quasi-god. He is a man, nothing more nothing less. Never let a man define who you are. Never borrow someone else's man. Oh Lord! If he cheated with you, he'll cheat on you. A man will only treat you the way you ALLOW him to treat you. All men are NOT dogs. You should not be the one doing all the bending...compromise is a two-way street. You need time to heal between relationships...there is nothing cute about baggage... deal with your issues before pursuing a new relationship You should never look for someone to COMPLETE you...a relationship consists of two WHOLE individuals...look for someone complimentary...not supplementary. Dating is fun...even if he doesn't turn out to be Mr.. Right. Make him miss you sometimes...when a man always know where you are, and your always readily available to him- he takes it for granted. Don't fully commit to a man who doesn't give you everything that you need. Keep him in your radar but get to know others. Share this with other ladies..... You'll make someone SMILE, another RETHINK her choices, and another woman PREPARE. They say it takes a minute to find a special person, an hour to appreciate them, a day to love them and an entire lifetime to forget them.