Sunday, September 14, 2008

Just talking since its only 5:17 in the AM

Appreciate Life & its situations, I've been up since about 3, reading ALL-Stars blog, Intelligent dude, New found respect really, not that he needs my respect but its always good to know that you're respected. Anyways it comes a time when you gotta realize that if what you doing or aint doing isnt getting you anywhere then you need to change what the hell you doing. School isnt meant for everyone but i gotta say this, if yo ass is in school, take advantage of it. Why waste the time and the money, it'll actually pay off especially if you dont wanna make fucking 20gs and below all ya life, lol in some cases you actually got some peeps making more without a degree but they some hard working peeps, be real, do u really wanna work that hard or do less work and double that? think about it. sorry for rambling on but i'm hella bored, no phone, just my computer.

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