Saturday, September 27, 2008

I'M Different ( The Ugly Duckling story)

So I just posting this amazing blog @ the Panic Room straight from my Heart on me being diffent so check it out. I didnt wanna post the same ish on my blogspot so I'm entitling this the Ugly Duckling.

So as Stated in my other blog, I'm different and I've finally grown to accept that. All my life I've been busting my ass to fit in and still wasn't accepted, wow... actually sucks when you think about it. anywho, I was the guy who always wish I looked this way, dressed this way, hung with this crowd, etc.. but like I said I wasnt accepted, I blamed God for the most part along with everyone else instead of paying attention to the 3 fingers pointing back at myself. I always felt like I had to have people like me ( When its dark in your life just wait for the daylight) sorry listening to in the morning by Mary Mary, anyways don't know why i was like that but for some reason I've always loved and admired people who did them, They didnt care what people said they kept it moving and Look @ them Now
Nedria a.k.a RN, lmao
Greedy aka The Twin
My Besties are all successful in my eyes and all well almost all have been alienated in some way or another but what I love about them is that they stayed an Individual... stayed strong... Sooooooooo to the point, Growing up, even though i had a twin, everyone always thought he was the cute twin.. I was the ugly duckling, the outcast and honestly I can say i've been that up until this very point and no one to blame but myself because i've accepted this, I'm even more accepting to it now when you see where I'm going with this. So being in the shadows only made me a shadow, trying to follow people took away from the true leader I am and made me a follower. Its crazy because I was tryna follow and others were tryna follow me... Get it yet??? of course you don't. Not speaking only made me not have a voice.... it amazed me of how low I thought of myself sometimes yet those who rejected me (speaking to the ladies) back then now want me... they think I'm sexy... Don't make me post the MS messages, lol or when I'm out they be Jockin AP Jockin Jockin AP, lol but dig this I still didnt get it. Saying this (Note To Myself): Dare to Be Dre', why should I continue to be ashamed of being different????? Different is cool right????? if not it sure in the hell is finna be cause thats how I've been rolling anyways and everyone knows the ugly blossoms into the beautiful, in some cases, lol. Outcast?........ I am, Individually I could conquer whatever I wanted to, God did... He had faith and believed in himself, shouldnt I. This blog is to those who don't fit in. If it was bothering you, let it not again. I dont fit in either and I'm cool with that. Different is the new cool and the others will soon wanna be apart of what we are so far ahead of them in. Listen to this, a big chunk of those so called IN- crowders arent being true to themselves, they are living a lie, they are fitting in like we were trying to, keeping it real, everyone dont fit in with everybody, Example: Put a Popular student in a class full of nerds, in their envirionment they are superior and the popular student is just another.... another person. Starting today I'm coming out, My head held up high, I wont be ashamed that i'm different as of now, I embrace it. Bill Gates was Different, so was alot of other Million & Billionaires. Jesus was different and so am I. God Made us all different anyways, Take pride in that. I've grown from that Ugly Duckling into a Handsome.... Different... but still handsome Male Swain or a Cob

I've always thought differently from others but have hidden my thoughts. Today I arise as the different Individual that I've so longed to unveil to a harsh society. "DARE TO BE DIFFERENT, I AM"

1 comment:

Kandace said...

Soooo I definitley cried while reading your tumblr blog, and then teared up again reading this'mma punk! If I could put into so many words how special you are...but I can't because there aren't enough! But, It's always so crazy how we see ourselves differently than how other people view us, because like you, I tend to be hard on myself a lot and when you wrote those blogs about me, I was like...seriously? He can't be talkin about me cause I am NOT all that! But anyway, I'mma stop rambling all over your comments, lol...but I did want to share this Scripture with's a persoanl favorite of mine. It says...
"So do not throw away your confidence; it will be richly rewarded. You need to persevere so that when you have done the will of God, you will receive what he has promised." That's Hebrews 10:35-36. So, walk in your confidence babe! You have nothing to be ashamed of and you're going to recieve all of the Blessings that God has for you!