Friday, October 24, 2008

Quotes From P.A.N.I.C.

"The Only True Failure is when you stop trying"

Just Rhymin

I got a gift with the words, but Ion use it to much, alcoholic with the verbs, but ion booze it to much, I'm cocky, My head held high, Im the shit, stay surrounded by damn house flies, Don't scoop me..., let me marinate the grass, i might look like im funky but I smell like cash, sniff, Breath it


in order to get to see the light you have to spend some time in the darkness to really appreciate the joy of the light.

Digest the cypher

My favorite part of the night THE CYPHER ROUND 3 with Ace hood and 3 Gods of Rap, Fab, Kiss, & Juelz

Today My Readers...

Instead of talking about it, I got my 1st time voter ass up and went to Vote... Yah, It felt so good ya'll... Of course I had to go through alot of ish because I just registerd like a month ago and I still didnt have my voter registration card and they had me waiting like foreverish but.... when the kid was about to say F-it and walk away she said baby, they found your info, Joyish moment in my life and I'm glad I waited... So I say to you my readers, There will definately be obsticles, cold weather, Campain Scams, etc... but PLEASE LET YOUR VOICE BE HEARD AND VOTE. Now theres NOBAMA way I'll tell you who to vote for but Bidden Believe you've been watching the debates, so don't be sarah palin about it, you're smarter than that, dont be stuck in your McC-old ways, lol Obam your ass to the voting sites and lets make history

Thursday, October 23, 2008

BET Awards

The Freestyle cypher was sick especially Cori Gunnz, Jadakiss, Fab, Juelz Santana, Ace Hood, and a couple of others, Bananas... T-Pain Held his own, lol... Awards was ok in general, Respect Soulja Boy... He deserves it, lol

P.S. whats up with Bow Wow's outfit, lol

Spank yo damn kids

So I was watching some show this morning and of course "WHITES" were on it, Interesting... ( I find some things whites discuss Hillarious)so the topic was discipline for the kids. It was 1 white lady against 3 white women and a white man, The 1 white lady spanked her kids and the opposers believed in "Time Out", LMAO... Anyways So they say if you don't spank your kids, (Spanking seems to be a curse word in the White HouseHold)then your emotional bond with your child will be stronger in the future. They say that whippin your kids, makes them grow up angry, and that their emotional bond with their parent(s)will be tarnished. WTF... I'm sorry readers but I got my ass whooped ass a child, I mean whipped, lol... Anyways It taught me to behave, I didnt want them whippins so before I did something wrong, The whippins made my ass think... I feel if I would have been put in time out then I wouldve been like, Damn, Well see aint whipping me, I have no physical damage to my ass so I can live with a timeout but I'm more likely to constantly get in trouble because I'm not worried about a real punishment. I'm really blessed to have gotten spanked, Thank you God,It taught me alot and made me use my head instead of just getting into a bunch of stuff. Question readers (Especially Black readers) did your Parents name their punishment tools? lol, my aunts belt name was "black boy" and my moms belt was named "friend" ( Thick Leather old skool belts with them big ass buckles) them joints hurted, lol, oh and back in the day.. you know imma country boy right????? Well back in the day not only did ya mom whip you but everyone on the block beat that ass before you got to the house so my ass was extra swollen and red, Anyways the point of this blog was fuck that timeout shit, Beat They ass... lol

Today... I Fell

Ok so today at work, I was outside helping my boss, and of course i forgot to mention that it was raining, Anywho... I was helping my boss out and I slipped hella hard, Fell straight in the mud, I was hella embarrassed, OMG... so I know my boss wanted to laugh but he didnt, instead he asked me was I ok, I swallowed and said, yeah I'm cool dude, just kind of embarrassed I fell in front of you... Anywho, I finished the day Mad Muddie, lol

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Experiment for the rest of the year - TRUTH EXPERIMENT- 8:40pm 10/22/2008

Ok so Today at this very moment I'm trying an experiment on truth. So this is how it works. I'm challenging myself to be COMPLETELY HONEST with every issue, we all tell small lies and thats one of the things that I'm xxxxxxin out. If you ask me if your breath stanks, You'll now get the answer u need, lol... I'll let you know how this goes.

Monday, October 20, 2008

Bullshit (venting)

So this Bitch(yea I said it)obviously has TOURETTE'S SYNDROME right, but this BITCH says everytime she sees a black person she screams out nigger....????? yeah... are you thinking what I'm thinking readers???? Its bullshit, then she states... (Pay attention), that she has a tendency to yell out what shes thinking, what comes to her mind.... So when you look at blacks, you think of us as NIGGERS? but get this readers, she claims she isnt racist. I don't think she should have a problem when an UnRacist NIGGER beats her ass then, I bet she'll shut her ass up then. I'm upset because I feel she's using this as an excuse to use the word.... Am I Wrong?????? No I've seen people in her situation, but.... I'm not buying this shit, I just can't... what do you think readers? Comment

Thursday, October 16, 2008

Speak on it (10-15-2008)

Yesterday... @ my place of employment a white co-worker approaches me and says hey Dre', guess what I woke up to this morning,(with a smirk on her face), What I asked, Dude I got a text from my buddie that stated: What does Obamas Slogan, It's time for a change stand for? Unaware of the texts answer I smiled and said what? With almost a develish grin she Smile and said "Come Help a Nigga Get Elected" and burst into uncontrolable laughter, I smiled and walked away, I was totally bothered by it but ignored it. Later at Wal-mart I spoke with a homegirl and when I mentioned the text she said about Obama, that junt was too funny, I said... Like hell it was funny, I felt it was disrespectful, She said her friends white and black had been sending it to one another, Should I feel this way or am I overreacting?

Speak on it ( Past Horror 1990)

Just thought I'd say with the world an experience I had in the Past. So I had to be about 8 or 9, I was with my uncle and we went to a pet store, He had me waiting in the car while he ran in the store to pick up a tropical fish he'd ordered, so as I waitied I saw two older guys who obviously parked next to us walking up to their vehicle, Being young.. you look at things, well like I said they were walking up and one of the two looked at me and said " look at the little nigger " .... Surely he wasn't addressing me I thought... because I am a biracial baby and I have white relatives whom I get along with and love so much... Again, he states, Bobby, Look at that little ape, the little nigger, My eyes widened in disbelief, I was the nigger he spoke of... As they were getting in the car I looked on (as kids sometimes do)... eyes full of water but had not yet leaked, I didnt really know what a nigger was then but somehow I felt very disrespected. They gazed at me once more, stuck up a middle finger and said, turn around before I lynch u nigger, Terrorfied I did as requested as the water leaked from my eyes. When My uncle returned with his beautiful Tropical fish, I said nothing but tried to dry my tears and tuck my feelings under my shirt. Just wanted to share it with my readers... Maybe I can stop dreaming about it now..

Monday, October 6, 2008

Random ( something to think on )

"Never Submit to failure" Play to Win @ whatever you do...(I created this saying)

(yawnin) sniff, sniff????

Whats that smell??????? sniff sniff, It smells like money, hold up, sniff (sniffing myself), DAMN I SMELL GOOD

Saturday, October 4, 2008

Thursday, October 2, 2008


Imma keep posting this until we all get it.... ARE YOU LIVING OR ARE YOU JUST EXISTING?

Old Chicks diggggggggggg me

So I was listening to the man M.B. on the radio speaking the truth as always. The Topic he brought up today was why older women like younger men/ vice versa. Well I got to thinking about my experiances with older woman, lol.... they adore the kid, lol, and I don't help the case, always throwing out compliments towards them, I can't help it...... anyways i think they start and i finish, i smile and they compliment me on my beautiful smile or my teeth or my good hair which they always seem to want to rub, then i come back with the.... how old are you????? 20????? her (blushing) baby naw I'm 40, thank you for the compliment (STILL BLUSHING) mE: YOU DONT LOOK 40, YOU ARE BEAUTIFUL... Her(still blushing) baby I got kids your age, Me: age is a matter of the mind babe, if you dont mind then it dont matter... Her: you are so handsome,call me heres my number, lol Anyways I've always been the type of guy to make an older woman smile, Older men, according to them don't compliment them or appreciate them. I do, It's my nature, lol,'s been awhile since i put the mack down, lol but they still flirt with me

Oct 24th... It's COMING!!!!!

Wednesday, October 1, 2008


Enjoy the day God blesses you with.... for no day is promised. Stress honestly is irrelavent, Trust me. Things happen... don't stress just keep it moving.