Monday, October 20, 2008

Bullshit (venting)

So this Bitch(yea I said it)obviously has TOURETTE'S SYNDROME right, but this BITCH says everytime she sees a black person she screams out nigger....????? yeah... are you thinking what I'm thinking readers???? Its bullshit, then she states... (Pay attention), that she has a tendency to yell out what shes thinking, what comes to her mind.... So when you look at blacks, you think of us as NIGGERS? but get this readers, she claims she isnt racist. I don't think she should have a problem when an UnRacist NIGGER beats her ass then, I bet she'll shut her ass up then. I'm upset because I feel she's using this as an excuse to use the word.... Am I Wrong?????? No I've seen people in her situation, but.... I'm not buying this shit, I just can't... what do you think readers? Comment

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