Friday, October 24, 2008

Today My Readers...

Instead of talking about it, I got my 1st time voter ass up and went to Vote... Yah, It felt so good ya'll... Of course I had to go through alot of ish because I just registerd like a month ago and I still didnt have my voter registration card and they had me waiting like foreverish but.... when the kid was about to say F-it and walk away she said baby, they found your info, Joyish moment in my life and I'm glad I waited... So I say to you my readers, There will definately be obsticles, cold weather, Campain Scams, etc... but PLEASE LET YOUR VOICE BE HEARD AND VOTE. Now theres NOBAMA way I'll tell you who to vote for but Bidden Believe you've been watching the debates, so don't be sarah palin about it, you're smarter than that, dont be stuck in your McC-old ways, lol Obam your ass to the voting sites and lets make history

1 comment:

Kandace said... the wordplay at the end! Lovely babe!