Thursday, October 16, 2008

Speak on it ( Past Horror 1990)

Just thought I'd say with the world an experience I had in the Past. So I had to be about 8 or 9, I was with my uncle and we went to a pet store, He had me waiting in the car while he ran in the store to pick up a tropical fish he'd ordered, so as I waitied I saw two older guys who obviously parked next to us walking up to their vehicle, Being young.. you look at things, well like I said they were walking up and one of the two looked at me and said " look at the little nigger " .... Surely he wasn't addressing me I thought... because I am a biracial baby and I have white relatives whom I get along with and love so much... Again, he states, Bobby, Look at that little ape, the little nigger, My eyes widened in disbelief, I was the nigger he spoke of... As they were getting in the car I looked on (as kids sometimes do)... eyes full of water but had not yet leaked, I didnt really know what a nigger was then but somehow I felt very disrespected. They gazed at me once more, stuck up a middle finger and said, turn around before I lynch u nigger, Terrorfied I did as requested as the water leaked from my eyes. When My uncle returned with his beautiful Tropical fish, I said nothing but tried to dry my tears and tuck my feelings under my shirt. Just wanted to share it with my readers... Maybe I can stop dreaming about it now..

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I remember the first time I experienced racism. luckly for me i was not as young as you were. But, I was still confused and offended. My boyfriend was surprised at how hard I took it. He told me this life and that many people still dislike and underestimate African Americans. I just learned to love myself and that education is key.

I stereotype but I never like it determine how I treat a person. I let their character be the judge of that.