Sunday, December 14, 2008

Lame = Andre' Prewitt

The Definition of LAME: Not doing what the in-crowd does/ Standing out
(Note) - I don't mind being a lame, most lames go on to be very successful. As a matter of fact, I've always been lame and weird and I'm NOW proud of it, I'm not trying to fit in with you other guys, I'll just continue to let the other lames follow the leader. :-)

Sunday, December 7, 2008



Oh and by the way.....

It really sucks that I only have two subscribers, I kindof hurts, you guys suck, lol... guess it just means that I must work harder to snatch your attention (I WILL)

Meant to post this when I woke up,lol

3:03am Man I get up early... Boredom???? nahhhh, I just got a big brain so it must have time to become fully operational so I can continueously become the Genius I AM

Sunday, November 23, 2008


Just got through eating a Pepperoni Pizza... Deeeeeeeelishous, lol

To My Readers

Growth is needed... Continue to grow as I am, dispose of the trash in your life and change for the better...


Sunday, November 16, 2008




Greatness NEVER rest.... lol

Saturday, November 15, 2008

On my mind.... Thought I should share.

Keep your Faith in yourself, Dreams are real, all you have to do is just believe.

New Job... Same Racism - Abortion blog

So....... What's up America, I know.. I Know.. It's been a minute but I een busy. I will apologize for depriving you of your fix... you addicts, lol anyways, So I started a new job, Making some great money and constructing a new attitude. While in training, note I'm the only black male in the class but hey... I'm in. Anywho, My instructor who is white as well as the other whites make little small comments about race and stuff that I blow off because I'm above the BULL. Anyways...So this one day in class, Obama comes up and the instructor begans to speak on him (note... I have heard him and the others say little smart as comments before), as he speaks I give him the eye like; say something out of line... anyways he catches my eye and gets the drift, lol he says, man Obama was cool, and I would have voted for him but I dont like his views on abortion, He wants to kill babies and I aint with that.. I couldnt vote for him, Even if a person is raped they should have the baby, God let's things happen for a reason, etc... So I'm like is he serious??????? Anyways I get home and proceed to research on Obama's view on the issue and Honestly I think they misunderstood his views. Obama says he isnt actually for abortion but he does think that is should be a choice of the mother... I agree, I too am not an advocate for abortion but I honestly believe it should be a womans choice. So I wanted to through out a scenerio, What if a white family, a anti-Black, white family... What if the white lady who hates blacks was raped by a black man and so happens to get pregnant.. what does she do, does she have the now biracial baby or would she abort it??????? You answer this... I just feel that God gave us the gift of choice/decision making, Why take that right from a person, It should always be a choice. We live with our choices... not the government

Sunday, November 9, 2008

4me2remember - Ron Artest

Head A&R
Ronald Odum

Heidi Buech

Sunday, November 2, 2008

Failyn Caught my ear

i have changed, but who hasn't?? it was years ago since the people that i "fell out with" met and we were all different people from then until and i are different people. my question is, at what point do you ask yourself "is it worth it?" true friends wouldn't leave your side and if they do, they're not gone long. whose responsibility is it to reconcile? when neither of you feels like you're at fault, what happens now?? my whole point of this blog is that real friends are are relationships that are meant to be. whatever the issue is, if that person is that much of a friend, if there is an issue, talk it out...that's all. me and the people that i was speaking of in my life have all spoken and talked about what has happened. i don't feel we are as close as we used to be because when you give people a little time, they show their colors, don't you agree?


Thank you God

Caught ya ear??????

Instead of thinking of one's selfish feelings or emotions, at some point we have to look deep and dig deep to make something work and say "ok this is where it gets tough so thinking like our eldest ancestors before us it tells you to get closer together and make it work". If it's not worth it during the bad, it was worth even less during the good. Being a country boy that' s what i realize is missing. Everybody just wanna fuck for material things. I miss the old men and women sitting on the porch on the block in the country. They told you that if you had someone special and you showed them, you would never lose them. They told you what true love and friendships were worth more than. A true friend comes only so often in a lifetime but a true lover never comes again...because GOD only took one rib from each man to make his woman not two or to y'all later. holla at me with your comments if any.

Saturday, November 1, 2008

Friday, October 24, 2008

Quotes From P.A.N.I.C.

"The Only True Failure is when you stop trying"

Just Rhymin

I got a gift with the words, but Ion use it to much, alcoholic with the verbs, but ion booze it to much, I'm cocky, My head held high, Im the shit, stay surrounded by damn house flies, Don't scoop me..., let me marinate the grass, i might look like im funky but I smell like cash, sniff, Breath it


in order to get to see the light you have to spend some time in the darkness to really appreciate the joy of the light.

Digest the cypher

My favorite part of the night THE CYPHER ROUND 3 with Ace hood and 3 Gods of Rap, Fab, Kiss, & Juelz

Today My Readers...

Instead of talking about it, I got my 1st time voter ass up and went to Vote... Yah, It felt so good ya'll... Of course I had to go through alot of ish because I just registerd like a month ago and I still didnt have my voter registration card and they had me waiting like foreverish but.... when the kid was about to say F-it and walk away she said baby, they found your info, Joyish moment in my life and I'm glad I waited... So I say to you my readers, There will definately be obsticles, cold weather, Campain Scams, etc... but PLEASE LET YOUR VOICE BE HEARD AND VOTE. Now theres NOBAMA way I'll tell you who to vote for but Bidden Believe you've been watching the debates, so don't be sarah palin about it, you're smarter than that, dont be stuck in your McC-old ways, lol Obam your ass to the voting sites and lets make history

Thursday, October 23, 2008

BET Awards

The Freestyle cypher was sick especially Cori Gunnz, Jadakiss, Fab, Juelz Santana, Ace Hood, and a couple of others, Bananas... T-Pain Held his own, lol... Awards was ok in general, Respect Soulja Boy... He deserves it, lol

P.S. whats up with Bow Wow's outfit, lol

Spank yo damn kids

So I was watching some show this morning and of course "WHITES" were on it, Interesting... ( I find some things whites discuss Hillarious)so the topic was discipline for the kids. It was 1 white lady against 3 white women and a white man, The 1 white lady spanked her kids and the opposers believed in "Time Out", LMAO... Anyways So they say if you don't spank your kids, (Spanking seems to be a curse word in the White HouseHold)then your emotional bond with your child will be stronger in the future. They say that whippin your kids, makes them grow up angry, and that their emotional bond with their parent(s)will be tarnished. WTF... I'm sorry readers but I got my ass whooped ass a child, I mean whipped, lol... Anyways It taught me to behave, I didnt want them whippins so before I did something wrong, The whippins made my ass think... I feel if I would have been put in time out then I wouldve been like, Damn, Well see aint whipping me, I have no physical damage to my ass so I can live with a timeout but I'm more likely to constantly get in trouble because I'm not worried about a real punishment. I'm really blessed to have gotten spanked, Thank you God,It taught me alot and made me use my head instead of just getting into a bunch of stuff. Question readers (Especially Black readers) did your Parents name their punishment tools? lol, my aunts belt name was "black boy" and my moms belt was named "friend" ( Thick Leather old skool belts with them big ass buckles) them joints hurted, lol, oh and back in the day.. you know imma country boy right????? Well back in the day not only did ya mom whip you but everyone on the block beat that ass before you got to the house so my ass was extra swollen and red, Anyways the point of this blog was fuck that timeout shit, Beat They ass... lol

Today... I Fell

Ok so today at work, I was outside helping my boss, and of course i forgot to mention that it was raining, Anywho... I was helping my boss out and I slipped hella hard, Fell straight in the mud, I was hella embarrassed, OMG... so I know my boss wanted to laugh but he didnt, instead he asked me was I ok, I swallowed and said, yeah I'm cool dude, just kind of embarrassed I fell in front of you... Anywho, I finished the day Mad Muddie, lol

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Experiment for the rest of the year - TRUTH EXPERIMENT- 8:40pm 10/22/2008

Ok so Today at this very moment I'm trying an experiment on truth. So this is how it works. I'm challenging myself to be COMPLETELY HONEST with every issue, we all tell small lies and thats one of the things that I'm xxxxxxin out. If you ask me if your breath stanks, You'll now get the answer u need, lol... I'll let you know how this goes.

Monday, October 20, 2008

Bullshit (venting)

So this Bitch(yea I said it)obviously has TOURETTE'S SYNDROME right, but this BITCH says everytime she sees a black person she screams out nigger....????? yeah... are you thinking what I'm thinking readers???? Its bullshit, then she states... (Pay attention), that she has a tendency to yell out what shes thinking, what comes to her mind.... So when you look at blacks, you think of us as NIGGERS? but get this readers, she claims she isnt racist. I don't think she should have a problem when an UnRacist NIGGER beats her ass then, I bet she'll shut her ass up then. I'm upset because I feel she's using this as an excuse to use the word.... Am I Wrong?????? No I've seen people in her situation, but.... I'm not buying this shit, I just can't... what do you think readers? Comment

Thursday, October 16, 2008

Speak on it (10-15-2008)

Yesterday... @ my place of employment a white co-worker approaches me and says hey Dre', guess what I woke up to this morning,(with a smirk on her face), What I asked, Dude I got a text from my buddie that stated: What does Obamas Slogan, It's time for a change stand for? Unaware of the texts answer I smiled and said what? With almost a develish grin she Smile and said "Come Help a Nigga Get Elected" and burst into uncontrolable laughter, I smiled and walked away, I was totally bothered by it but ignored it. Later at Wal-mart I spoke with a homegirl and when I mentioned the text she said about Obama, that junt was too funny, I said... Like hell it was funny, I felt it was disrespectful, She said her friends white and black had been sending it to one another, Should I feel this way or am I overreacting?

Speak on it ( Past Horror 1990)

Just thought I'd say with the world an experience I had in the Past. So I had to be about 8 or 9, I was with my uncle and we went to a pet store, He had me waiting in the car while he ran in the store to pick up a tropical fish he'd ordered, so as I waitied I saw two older guys who obviously parked next to us walking up to their vehicle, Being young.. you look at things, well like I said they were walking up and one of the two looked at me and said " look at the little nigger " .... Surely he wasn't addressing me I thought... because I am a biracial baby and I have white relatives whom I get along with and love so much... Again, he states, Bobby, Look at that little ape, the little nigger, My eyes widened in disbelief, I was the nigger he spoke of... As they were getting in the car I looked on (as kids sometimes do)... eyes full of water but had not yet leaked, I didnt really know what a nigger was then but somehow I felt very disrespected. They gazed at me once more, stuck up a middle finger and said, turn around before I lynch u nigger, Terrorfied I did as requested as the water leaked from my eyes. When My uncle returned with his beautiful Tropical fish, I said nothing but tried to dry my tears and tuck my feelings under my shirt. Just wanted to share it with my readers... Maybe I can stop dreaming about it now..

Monday, October 6, 2008

Random ( something to think on )

"Never Submit to failure" Play to Win @ whatever you do...(I created this saying)

(yawnin) sniff, sniff????

Whats that smell??????? sniff sniff, It smells like money, hold up, sniff (sniffing myself), DAMN I SMELL GOOD

Saturday, October 4, 2008

Thursday, October 2, 2008


Imma keep posting this until we all get it.... ARE YOU LIVING OR ARE YOU JUST EXISTING?

Old Chicks diggggggggggg me

So I was listening to the man M.B. on the radio speaking the truth as always. The Topic he brought up today was why older women like younger men/ vice versa. Well I got to thinking about my experiances with older woman, lol.... they adore the kid, lol, and I don't help the case, always throwing out compliments towards them, I can't help it...... anyways i think they start and i finish, i smile and they compliment me on my beautiful smile or my teeth or my good hair which they always seem to want to rub, then i come back with the.... how old are you????? 20????? her (blushing) baby naw I'm 40, thank you for the compliment (STILL BLUSHING) mE: YOU DONT LOOK 40, YOU ARE BEAUTIFUL... Her(still blushing) baby I got kids your age, Me: age is a matter of the mind babe, if you dont mind then it dont matter... Her: you are so handsome,call me heres my number, lol Anyways I've always been the type of guy to make an older woman smile, Older men, according to them don't compliment them or appreciate them. I do, It's my nature, lol,'s been awhile since i put the mack down, lol but they still flirt with me

Oct 24th... It's COMING!!!!!

Wednesday, October 1, 2008


Enjoy the day God blesses you with.... for no day is promised. Stress honestly is irrelavent, Trust me. Things happen... don't stress just keep it moving.

Monday, September 29, 2008

Sunday, September 28, 2008

This is Amazing (Watch)


I know its 6:45 in the morning but I just ( dont laugh ) had a nightmare, it was fuckin horrible.. First off I have to say I have some of the weirdest dreams but this was crazy, It involved my Family, A fear of mines, and a weird place/ suggestion. We went to some place and Next thing i know is MY BEAUTIFUL MOTHER slipped and fell, I frozed my ass off, looking from a distance in awwh, My twin tried to grab her hair but he couldnt hold her so she fell to another level, I still froze, Scared of the height i guess but shocked at the incident, My mom tried to get up but started to fall again, into a deeper something which prob could have killed her, all this is going on I'm still stuck in fear like a dumbass, so I sucked it up and did what I had to do.......... WAKE MYSELF THE HELL UP

Saturday, September 27, 2008

I'M Different ( The Ugly Duckling story)

So I just posting this amazing blog @ the Panic Room straight from my Heart on me being diffent so check it out. I didnt wanna post the same ish on my blogspot so I'm entitling this the Ugly Duckling.

So as Stated in my other blog, I'm different and I've finally grown to accept that. All my life I've been busting my ass to fit in and still wasn't accepted, wow... actually sucks when you think about it. anywho, I was the guy who always wish I looked this way, dressed this way, hung with this crowd, etc.. but like I said I wasnt accepted, I blamed God for the most part along with everyone else instead of paying attention to the 3 fingers pointing back at myself. I always felt like I had to have people like me ( When its dark in your life just wait for the daylight) sorry listening to in the morning by Mary Mary, anyways don't know why i was like that but for some reason I've always loved and admired people who did them, They didnt care what people said they kept it moving and Look @ them Now
Nedria a.k.a RN, lmao
Greedy aka The Twin
My Besties are all successful in my eyes and all well almost all have been alienated in some way or another but what I love about them is that they stayed an Individual... stayed strong... Sooooooooo to the point, Growing up, even though i had a twin, everyone always thought he was the cute twin.. I was the ugly duckling, the outcast and honestly I can say i've been that up until this very point and no one to blame but myself because i've accepted this, I'm even more accepting to it now when you see where I'm going with this. So being in the shadows only made me a shadow, trying to follow people took away from the true leader I am and made me a follower. Its crazy because I was tryna follow and others were tryna follow me... Get it yet??? of course you don't. Not speaking only made me not have a voice.... it amazed me of how low I thought of myself sometimes yet those who rejected me (speaking to the ladies) back then now want me... they think I'm sexy... Don't make me post the MS messages, lol or when I'm out they be Jockin AP Jockin Jockin AP, lol but dig this I still didnt get it. Saying this (Note To Myself): Dare to Be Dre', why should I continue to be ashamed of being different????? Different is cool right????? if not it sure in the hell is finna be cause thats how I've been rolling anyways and everyone knows the ugly blossoms into the beautiful, in some cases, lol. Outcast?........ I am, Individually I could conquer whatever I wanted to, God did... He had faith and believed in himself, shouldnt I. This blog is to those who don't fit in. If it was bothering you, let it not again. I dont fit in either and I'm cool with that. Different is the new cool and the others will soon wanna be apart of what we are so far ahead of them in. Listen to this, a big chunk of those so called IN- crowders arent being true to themselves, they are living a lie, they are fitting in like we were trying to, keeping it real, everyone dont fit in with everybody, Example: Put a Popular student in a class full of nerds, in their envirionment they are superior and the popular student is just another.... another person. Starting today I'm coming out, My head held up high, I wont be ashamed that i'm different as of now, I embrace it. Bill Gates was Different, so was alot of other Million & Billionaires. Jesus was different and so am I. God Made us all different anyways, Take pride in that. I've grown from that Ugly Duckling into a Handsome.... Different... but still handsome Male Swain or a Cob

I've always thought differently from others but have hidden my thoughts. Today I arise as the different Individual that I've so longed to unveil to a harsh society. "DARE TO BE DIFFERENT, I AM"

Friday, September 26, 2008

Good Love

love can be good or bad. With good love you feel stable, secure, valued, loved and respected. Good love isn't just romance and empty promises. It's a consistent package of behaviours that leave you feeling nurtured and secure

Thursday, September 25, 2008

Question for the Reader

Are you living or are you just existing??????

Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Quote of the day... Night, lol

This we know: All things are connected

like the blood that unites us.

We did not weave the web of life,

We are merely a strand in it.

Whatever we do to the web, we do to ourselves.

-Chief Seattle

(indulge in knowledge)

Me Playing around with my fav site somemore

M.P. & Skewby

Sweetest email I got in like forever

you are my sunshine my only sunshine. u make me happy when skys a gray. u'll never know dear how much i love you. please don't take my sunshine away.

Monday, September 22, 2008

Sunday, September 21, 2008

Me back in the day

New Fav site of mines, I can place myself in a yearbook back in the day, Tuggy you gotta try this, I'm anxious to see what ya looked like back then, lol

My New Favorite Website

Has to be the funniest video on the net by far

This is Sad

Friday, September 19, 2008

Are we living in a Dream World?

I think at least 70 percent of peoples lifes are built on lies, If i met T.I., you like, man I met jay z or 50 cent, I’m gonna make this short and sweet, Be yourself, don’t flodge to fit in with the IN Crowd, be different and stand out. Sometimes its cool just being you, thats why God made us all individuals so accept yourself, fat, super skinny, acne faced, whatever, appreciate yourself.


Indeed tomorrow will be a better day, for you and for me, enjoy it and keep it positive peeps

Sunday, September 14, 2008

ReBlogged: Memphis BEATS, Atlanta Heat and New Inside Chess Moves To Do

Look at Miami. Rick Ross, Plies and Flo Rida.

Look at Atlanta. T.I., Ludacris and Young Jeezy.

Look at Houston. Slim Thug, Paul Wall and Mike Jones.

Everytime I talk to anyone at home about the local rap music scene, I get varying answers. You still have some people that think that Three 6 Mafia ACTUALLY controls the cities ariwaves (well, not counting Hot 107.1 FM...but that's not confirmed per se). Then, you have some people that tell me that there just isn't a true sense of unity in the city. I would agree but that statement can be answered with a yes and a no.

The veteran rappers are either disconnected, obselete, or have so much historical bad blood between each other that they will never attempt to do any record together. I could never imagine a Gangsta Pat and Three 6 Mafia song or a Kinfolk Kia Shine and Three 6 Mafia song (especially after Three 6 recently dissed Kia Shine at a autograph signing at Cat's Music in Memphis in retalliation for a previous diss on video and on Shine's Street Wars mixtapes). I mean the guy that got the first major record label deal with the self-proclaimed Kings of Memphis? How big would that be? What about a collaboration with our last viable major label artist with his new deal on Universal/Motown? Are they only dreams?

But, them like many other rappers in the city have dissed Three 6 Mafia and burned a major bridge with one of Memphis' most visible artists. Now, symbolically I'm not saying you HAVE to take the Hernando De Soto Bridge to get out of the city. You could down I-240 to I-55. You can go out through Millington. You can take I-40 to Nashville. But, you never want to limit your own personal options to move the city forward. Dissing any man, click or record label can do this.

But, there is hope with many of the newer artists coming out of the city. Miscellaneous and Yo Gotti are examples of some rappers that have had a disagreement but has since settled the problem and have since recorded with each other. Also, we can't forget the stunning display of unity shown on the Three 6 Mafia hit single "Stay Fly" featuring Eightball & MJG and Young Buck. This is still the highest Billboard-charted single from any artist/group coming out of Memphis,Tennessee.

But what I see happening now is nothing more than ingenious. I look at Jazze Pha, Drumma Boy and DJ Squeeky and figured out that his is it! The music. The actual beats. The beatmakers. The producers from Memphis are actually keeping the scene alive for all Memphis artists right now. I thank them all for that.

Every person who buys the Young Jeezy "The Recession" album is supporting the legendary Orange Mound veteran DJ Squeeky ("Welcome Back"). If you buy any Ciara album, you most definitely will have Jazze Pha on the boards. Three 6's DJ Paul & Juicy "J" ("Stay Together") on Ludacris' upcoming album "Theatre Of The Mind" is also getting heavy rotation.

What about Dem Franchise Boyz and Joe Blow Da' CEO's gold plaque for his production on their cerified-gold "On Top of Our Game"? T-Mix on The Carter II? What about Carlos "Six July" Broady who produced "What's Beef?" and Notorious B.I.G's "Life After Death" and was a member of the legendary Hitmen production team under the reigns of Puff Daddy?

Even Christopher Gholson, better known as Drumma Boy is a shining example with top-billing production on Lil' Scrappy, Gorilla Zoe, Pastor Troy, Blood Raw, Ludacris T.I. and Young Jeezy's number one single "Put On" off of his "Recession" album.

These are the chess moves that will put Memphis "on" in the upcoming years. Drumma Boy and DJ Squeeky WILL get gold and/or platinium plaques this year. This is what the city need. I just hope with the expansion of our homegrown sound that the city will be in the limelight it needs to be in. And just maybe, we will finally get our time.

Posted by L'Daialogue

Just talking since its only 5:17 in the AM

Appreciate Life & its situations, I've been up since about 3, reading ALL-Stars blog, Intelligent dude, New found respect really, not that he needs my respect but its always good to know that you're respected. Anyways it comes a time when you gotta realize that if what you doing or aint doing isnt getting you anywhere then you need to change what the hell you doing. School isnt meant for everyone but i gotta say this, if yo ass is in school, take advantage of it. Why waste the time and the money, it'll actually pay off especially if you dont wanna make fucking 20gs and below all ya life, lol in some cases you actually got some peeps making more without a degree but they some hard working peeps, be real, do u really wanna work that hard or do less work and double that? think about it. sorry for rambling on but i'm hella bored, no phone, just my computer.

Friday, September 12, 2008

Hella Sick 8:07

8:08 and still feeling uggggggggggggggh, I’m sick, Still Laying down, listening to the homie Skewbys promo, bumpin All I Need AGAIN, oh and check him out and see y i love this guy, no homo

THE DAY REPORT: The Misconceptions Of Rap As A BUSINESS

By, Wendy Day (
What is it about the rap music industry that makes people standing on the sidelines assume they understand how it works? Does it look easy from the outside looking in? Are folks so blinded by watching BET and reading a couple of rap magazines that they actually think they understand the ins and outs enough to pursue this shit as a career?

I agree that it’s easier to get into this industry than it is to play professional ball, or be a rocket scientist for NASA (all that pesky schooling), or to be a brain surgeon (again, more years of schooling and actual experience operating on brains). But it’s not so easy that someone can wake up tomorrow fresh off a job at Burger King, and say “I want to be a rap star,” or my personal favorite: “I am going to manage my boy Bo-Bo’s rap career.”

If it was as easy as going to Kinko’s and pressing up some business cards, don’t you think EVERYONE would be doing that? Oh wait! They are!!

One of the saddest days of my life was the day I realized that Hip-Hop was no longer a culture, no longer a lifestyle choice, but a business. And a very big business it was. People from outside of the culture were co-opting it and making money from it. I knew that this also meant that the day it no longer was profitable, they’d move on like the fair weather friends they were (we’re almost there, by the way). Lyor Cohen wasn’t tagging subway cars, and his pants weren’t sagging, but his decisions controlled the movement of rap music far more than anyone whose pants did sag. There was a trade off though. For the first time in my lifetime, I was able to see young people of color get good paying jobs in the music business. Some even had perceived power. I was able to see artists make money for themselves and feed their families and create their own companies based on their level of fame. And this was a good thing. This was the 90s.

Then 2000 hit and reality shows were everywhere. Billionaire heiresses became famous for doing nothing but sleeping around and getting high or drunk. The behavior of an Old Dirty Bastard type of character was no longer seen as bizarre or pushing the envelope. Hell, Flavor Flav had his own TV show doing that shit in his sleep!

But somehow the mindset was born in all of this that getting into the music industry is easy. No training, no experience, no relationships….just POOF! I’m a manager! Or POOF! I own a record label. Artists seemingly believe it comes down to “getting discovered” by someone at a record label, but in the 16 years that I have been doing this, I can’t think of one scenario where that was the case. Who is telling these kids from OH and TX and Cali that they can just mail in a demo to a major record label in NYC and they will get offered a deal? That has NEVER, EVER, EVER happened!! The labels don’t even listen to unsolicited material. They send it back unopened. There’s even a question in my mind if most of the A and Rs have the time to listen to the stuff they request…

I get hundreds of emails from wanna-be artists each week asking me to get them a record deal. They have no idea what they are asking me, and they have no idea why they are asking me, but somehow I am a perceived gatekeeper stopping or allowing them to live their dreams. A dream they made no effort to research or learn about. I also get a ton of emails from people complaining that their city has more talent than Atlanta, or Miami, or Houston, or Dallas, or whatever city is the flavor of the minute in the music industry. The PERCEPTION is that the labels get together and decide which city or town will be next, and then they all go there. Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha Sorry to laugh, but that is so funny to me. These industry folks can’t even decide which artist on their own rosters to put out next and here are these kids in, say, Buffalo NY thinking they are getting passed over for their only shot at music success.

The reason certain cities develop their own industry is out of frustration. When enough talent in one place (artists, producers, DJs, etc)—Atlanta, for example, gets frustrated enough to say “Fuck the industry!” and start doing things on their own separate from the industry, and when they begin to make a little noise on their own, the industry comes running to see what’s going on. If the industry feels they can make money off of a new movement, they arrive in droves to co-opt that movement, signing anyone they can get their hands on at the price they are willing to spend. If they don’t think it will lead to massive national sales, they leave as quickly as they came (see the Hyphy Movement in the Bay Area for proof of this phenomenon).

Rap music is a business. It stopped being just an artform, very sadly, in the 90s. The view of the music industry "putting on forgotten cities" is very wrong. An artist, or a city, has to create its own movement to attract the industry. IF the established industry thinks it can pimp it and make some money, it’s a done deal.

Being a non-sports person, I am going to try to make a basketball analogy, so bear with me. I went to a Knick's game in NYC a few years ago. In watching the team play (not so well), I decided that I could do that better than anyone on that team could. I had always loved basketball, so I went home and practiced for years. Every waking moment, I practiced. But the Knicks never called me to come play with them. I live in Atlanta, where I think very few ball players are from (it doesn’t matter if there are a lot of ball players from here or not, no one I know is getting put on by the NBA). We have a ton of talented ball players here just in my neighborhood alone—yet, the Knicks never called me. I practiced every day and knew I was better than anyone on that whole team. I wrote letter after letter to the Knicks telling them to come to Atlanta and watch players play ball, especially me. I even offered to fly some team scouts in at my own expense. No one came. Looks like Atlanta is just a forgotten city in basketball because they didn’t come when I called.

Finally, out of annoyance, I went back to a Knicks game, and when the ball came out of bounds over near where I was sitting, I got out of my floor seats and threw the ball and scored a basket—all net! A very impressive shot. When folks came over to me, I explained that I was a great player and deserved to be on the Knicks. But they laughed at me and were angry that I interrupted the game.

What did I do wrong? Why didn't they sign me up on the spot? Was it because I didn't take the time to learn the BUSINESS of basketball? It was my favorite sport, but once it left the b-ball courts in my town, it became a business when the Knicks name was attached to it. I didn't follow protocol--learning the sport, playing through school, playing through college and standing out, and getting drafted to a team (one in a million shot). I just assumed it was about throwing the ball through the hoop because of my love of the sport. And I assumed if they saw me do it well, that was all that mattered.

Realizing this is a half-assed analogy, I hope you understand what I am trying to say. If you want to do this for a living, learn the rules and protocol. It's NOT just about grabbing a mic or about a scout from a label stumbling into any city outside of NYC to discover talent and putting your city on the map. That couldn't be farther from reality.... And how sad is it that we all understand how the business of basketball works, but we think we can mail a demo to someone at a record label and become the next major superstar

Thank God it's Friday

Last Day of the week, first day of the weekend, Enjoy the Day, don't let anything still your joy

Thursday, September 11, 2008

Ye Fed Up this is the link, My boy got sick of pics

The Suite - ATL

Just a glimpse of my room, check it out

Did You Know? Random

Worrying is a SIN??????? I didn't know that!!! Bible says We walk by Faith & not by sight, God will supply all your needs, Think about it...... Let it Marrinate.... Yeahhhhhhhhhhhh, so stop worrying, God got you


I'm feeling Great, From now on I'm gonna move forwards instead of in reverse, Expect better from me, I can & I will be better , Love life

Alpha MAN

Love My TWIN bro Ant, now usually i'm hella hard on the Greeks but if anyones displays the true Values of what the Greeks were supposed to represent it's this guy, Just shouting you out bro, Loves Ya

DID I Killed Hip-Hop

Dumb it down, the sounds of empowerment, and let the blacks bust, kill the environment, unity untrue to me, just read the eulogy, slave minds keep the man blind, keep em underneath, the white man, but really i don't blame the white, we use em as a crutch and when it all goes wrong we blame the whites, excuses, take a stand for your ignorance, read a book, and ya wealth will be more than money, stop looking for a handout, think positive, speak the truth and help ya mans out, we are a stone on each others feet, untie the dead weight and then achieve what you seek, but if you seek nothing, you achieve nothing, and what our anchestor fought for then it means nothing, i dummie down my lyrics and still get neglected, now who's being true to who, No respect for myself, confidence is in the grave, They kept me talking bout money which i never made, I played, flashy lights, imma hip hop star, we only talk about hoes, whips, and buying the bar, stop it, thats so so true, and we embellish on the life style, so untrue, dumb it down for the people, just like u, they will soon dummie down to your equal, cause they invest what you speak, and girls accept the fact that shes a bitch or a freak, what happened, the black queen doesnt exist, and then we sit and talk about why our women aint shit, ............ HIP HOP

Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Me against me

Life sucks for me, Honestly i dont know what to do. So apparently on the music scene, no-one feels my music, it's like my voice doesnt count. Panic???????? you arent real hip hop, you arent lupe, you arent skewby. Well I do say alot in my music, you just dont understand it or better yet you dont take the time to listen. Hip hop is music from the heart, its all about being you, being creative but coming from me noone wants to hear it so i put out bullshit songs about money, hoes, bling, etc... shit people wanna hear but i gets no respect but if gotti put it out its a hit. Man I do miss my dogs Joe Blowe & Kaiyo, them boys got heat and Kaiyo is a f in beast. Anyways I feel outcasted. I'm so hard on myself its sicknin, I give up easily, Its been months since i wrote a song and when i do start back writing its still not quality in my eyes, the passion might be lost. Friends, how many of us have them???????? i never had any friends coming up, none, thats why i try and find friends and peeps prob like damn nigga but i try and find peeps with a good heart and head on they shoulder. i dont even feel like writing no more, in a shitty ass mood,GOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOODDDDDDDDDDDDDDD


I'm Thinking of a MASTERPLAN

Sunday, September 7, 2008



Saturday, September 6, 2008


So I've fell off for a min, but I plan on coming back in full force and what better way to come back than with an Blog about my girl K.T. a.k.a. TUGGY

So presenting to you: The TALENTED, THE BEAUTIFUL, THE INTELLIGENT, K.T., I just wanted to blog about how good of a person she is, even if we don't talk it's understood that she's my homie for life. Her spirit is golden and although she's unaware she's an inspiration to me, Like i said in a prev blog on Tumblr, She pushes me to be my best even if she doesnt know it and I do look up to her. She is a very strong person and if she wants something she goes and gets it, she pushes herself to be her best, boy how i wish i had her spirit, kudos, K.T. stay grounded babe, you my friend are definately going very far in life. :)

Friday, September 5, 2008

Friday, August 29, 2008

I'm n ATL

In ATLANTA, Pics & Vids coming soon....oh & Hi Haters

Sunday, August 24, 2008

What I'm Feeling

You Can't be successful unless you try!!!!!!!


I'm one hell of a friend to anyone and I do mean ANYONE. Personally I'm pretty private with my issues in life but People always confide in me with their problems. I seal everything they confide in me inside my heart, it travels through my veins, through my blood. Saying this, I question why people who trust u with everything crosses you or what i like to call cut me? When u cut me I bleed and what ruins through my blood????? you've guessed it, YOUR SECRETS, so be careful who u cross buddie, Unfortunately I'm not that type of guy so for now your secrets safe, But, If you keep cutting me blood will eventually get on other things, lol.

Saturday, August 23, 2008

Where u wanna be

You never realize what you've got until it's gone, If you have something special, open your eyes and realize it before it's too late. Love is one of those great gifts life brings so when it comes, value it wisely.

Thursday, August 21, 2008


This is crazy coming from me because I'm hella hard on people and I'm so unforgiving but this has got to be said. Strength lies in forgiveness, It's hard but we are human and being human means that we WILL make mistakes. Learning from your mistakes is what truely matters.

Wednesday, August 20, 2008

For the Ladies

The ones who waited all night for him to call, only to check the caller ID the next morning and be disappointed.The ones who made it through that bitter break up, driedyour own tears, and moved on with your life, only to have him walk back in it months later like nothing ever happened.Those of you who cried on the first day you talked again because you knew exactly where this phone call was going.The ones who listened to him say, I only want to be your friend,one day, and the next, listened to him say how much he loves and misses you.We deserve something, and this is our tribute.Here's to the ones that took him back, hoping that maybe this time, he was different, hoping that maybe people really do change.We listened to our friends tell us that we were stupid for even thinking about giving him another chance, caught crap from our parents, and even snuck around to see him for a while.We went through the great stage with no fights all over again. We started this out thinking it would be just friends, and ended up falling in love with him again.We wanted nothing more in the world than to hear him tell us he loved us too, that even though things were bad in the past, they would be different this time. And when we finally heard it, it was like we were dreaming. This is for us.Here's to the ones who believed what he said, sat around all over again waiting for a phone call that might come in a few hours, or a few days.Here's for the tears cried and dried all over again. We wanted sodesperately to believe that he was really busy, he couldn't possibly call us at that moment, or even that he fell asleep early.We trained ourselves to believe the lies because we wanted to believe we had found the one for us.We learned to SETTLE for someone who didn't treat us the way we should be treated.Here's for the ones who did their hair and make up and put on their prettiest earrings, only to hear him say that he couldn't see us today.The ones who never believed it when people told us there might be someone else. We just couldn't believe that he could do this to us again.This is for those great girls, who loved him more than words can say, and took him back no matter what happened last time because they couldn't bear to look back on their lives one day and wonder "what if".Here's to the girls who couldn't cry to their friends because of how stupid they felt. The ones who held it all in when things came crumbling to pieces again.This is for the ones who couldn't bear to even tell their mom what was going on, for fear of an "I told you so."The ones that could just TELL that they had made a mistake ever allowing him into their hearts, their beds, and their dreams again.We knew that we deserved better the entire time, that we deserved a guy who would call when he said he was going to, one that would come see us whenever he got the chance, one that would really care about us. We just wanted the one that we loved like that.Here's for the ones that FINALLY realized that he never gave a crap about them.Here's for the time that he broke your heart again. This is for those days spent trying to hold back the tears, and the tears that turned into anger, then disappointment.Here's for us girls who finally realized that wedeserve better. This is for those confusing days, when you miss him, and want nothing more than to hear his voice, or feel his arms around your waist. Stay strong, and remember that relationships are like broken glass, sometimes it's better to leave it alone rather than try to put the pieces back together and get hurt. Remember the times you cried, and how long ittook you to even be able to look at another guy like that.******When "your song" comes on the radio, turn the station. When the day comes that he realizes what a mistake he made and tries calling, turn your phone off. When he tries coming to your house, don't answer the door. Think of the broken promises, and the lies, the manipulation and the tears, the wasted moments and staying up all night wondering where the crap he was. Think of how your heart used to jump when your phone would vibrate in the middle of the night, and how it fell to your stomach when you saw it wasn't him, and realized that once again, he hadn't called when he said he was going to.*********One day, you'll find a guy who's worth all the tears, but he won't make you cry. You may think that you'll never care about someone like you did that guy that you always ran back to, but you will. It's gonna hurt like crap, and it's going to need time to heal, but the point is, it will heal.This is for those girls, who fell back in love with their ex, only toget hurt all over again

Characteristics of Happy Couples

Characteristics of Happy Couples

In a good relationship the commitment to all three aspects of it (oneself, one's partner, and the relationship) are strong. Conscious efforts can improve all three.
Commitment To The RelationshipThey focus on being a couple. They spend time alone as a couple, on a regular basis. All the other aspects of a healthy relationship are dependent on this time together. They do not view their relationship as dependent on other relationships, such as being the kids' mom and dad. They view their relationship as unique and special, in its own right. To improve? Schedule, schedule, schedule. Time alone will just not happen in many busy lives. Some do best with 30 minutes an evening. Others need a block of time on the weekend. Let other people (i.e. the kids) know that this is your time. Turn off the phone. Plan so the kids have food and entertainment. Discuss yourself, your partner, and the relationship. Continually update and revise your vision of your lives together. Catch up on the details of one another's lives outside the relationship. Talk about your childhood, tell your partner about significant events in your past, be they happy or sad, and how they affect you today. Discuss your feelings, emotions, and frustrations honestly but tactfully. They share a common vision that they change together. Good relationships form when the partners share common values, interests, and goals in life. But, over the course of a life together, many things change. Rather than pursuing completely individual paths to change and "drift apart", good couples pursue change together. They negotiate their differing needs and opinions to arrive at a common, but updated vision. To Improve? Make a list. List all the aspects of your lives together and where you hope to be in 5 years, 10 years, and beyond. They list is up to you, but money the most common reason for conflict in a relationship and should certainly be on the list. Other tangibles to discuss are children, where you will live, how you divide up work inside and outside the home. In the course of nailing down the tangibles the values and priorities will come into play. Some couples and families even write a mission statement. They share power equally and show signs of caring In good relationships one partner does not dominate the other. There is a true give and take in making decisions, and not a facade of equality. Gestures of caring are frequent. To improve? Judging equality in one's own relationship is inherently biased. Studies have shown most couples will state that they are equals in their relationship, but objective criteria will show the man has more control. Partner's satisfaction was tied more closely to the outside observer's assessment, rather than their own perceptions. Try to be objective and honest about this. Negotiate and change, if needed. Gestures of caring are a bit easier. Small gifts, physical affection, favors for the partner's personal goals, and compliments all go a long way. Keep a log of what you have done for your partner, make goals, note missed opportunities to say or do something nice and resolve to change it. (but do NOT keep a log of what they have done for you). In a busy life, you will be surprised how long you go without doing these types of things, unless you make a conscious effort. They Resolve Conflict in Healthy Ways They do not deny or suppress differences. They negotiate. They do not belittle one another. They look for win-win solutions. They are honest with one another, but gentle. To improve? Don't use the the word "you" in discussing frustrations, use the word "I". Say what the behavior makes you feel, how it impacts you, without blaming your partner.
Committment to HerselfWomen in healthy relationships have their own lives and identities aside from the relationship. Intimacy is not isolating. They have friends, activities, and interests outside the relationship. Being in the couple adds to their lives, but is not their lives. They do not try to be close to their partner at all times. They do not share every detail of their lives past or present with their partner. They have privacy. To Improve? Many women have trouble with this aspect. Men have a tradition of a night out with the boys. Women, especially working women with children, have so many duties and responsibilities that they don't feel they have time. Women are more conditioned to see their lives in terms of their relationships, especially their spouse or partner. Lesbian women tend to have trouble because they see each other as one another's total support system. Improvement here is tied to other aspects. Re-distribute responsibilities so that you have time carved out to pursue your own interests and friendships. Once you have the time, plan to use it.
Commitment to Her PartnerShe takes an interest in his life outside the relationship. She has positive regard for his characteristics. She tolerates non-destructive faults. She accepts that there will be short periods of falling out of love, annoyance, or trouble with him. She respects him. She treats him as he wishes to be treated, not as she would like someone to treat her. To improve? Finding out what your partner's work or outside life is like is something to be done during your time alone. Finding out how he wants to be treated is part of this too. Be open with one another, love causes many changes, it does not make you psychic. He is annoying the crap out of you. Think to yourself, will this matter in a year? If the answer is 'no' forget about it. If that doesn't work, can you change how you view it? Many couple hit hard times when the very characteristics that attracted, now infuriate them. Remember who you fell in love with. Is he pudgy, goofy, and scatterbrained? Or is he the hunky, zany, and spontaneous guy that got your attention at a party so many years ago. Even if it has nothing to do with what is annoying you, remember who you fell in love with. When behavior can't be overlooked, back to alone time and negotiate. Spell out exactly what displeases you and what you would like in its place. Don't make it a personal attack. Tell your partner how it affects you. Be willing to change some things too, if he counters.

Tuesday, August 19, 2008

A Good Man

As you all know I'm a writer, here is a small piece of a long poem I wrote entitled "A Good Man" Hope you enjoy
The Question of the day is what defines a good man? is it the kind of car he drives or his clothing brand? Is he popular with his peeps? got the good paying job? Athletic and artistic, just living it large, when he's out they pay attention, got a pocket full of cash, clubbing buying out the bar, making every moment last, is this your good man? the bachlor without a home who's desired by all?
What if I don't look like Denzel, Morris Chestnut, Shamar, Ginuwine, Usher, or T.I.?????? Does that not make me a good guy??????? I might not have the best job but i work honestly, and money is my motivation but it doesn't always come to me, and my car isnt the best, only cost 1000 bucks, but it gets the job done, never stranded or stuck, sometimes i like to be alone, don't always have to link up, prefer to get things accomplished and write down what i think up, I'm a go getter, not one to wait for things to happen but sometimes they come slow, but never dwelt on the bad cause it helped me grow.
God is my father, Anthony's my brother, I know ya'll don't care but Linda's my mother, I am very intelligent, with a great attitude, friendly with everyone, never one to be rude, I consider myself handsome, 6'4'' and a good catch personally, but I can't get a good woman, use to think something was wrong with me
Not really, Women are just confused about what they want, the thuggished type, who wants a quick fuck, well I'm not a thug, I'm just a country boy who knows what he deserves, someone I can grow old with and get on each others nerves, lol, see, I am a good man, with or without the looks or the money, with or without anyone, I am self-motivated, I drive my life and i stay away from the drama, alone on club nights, do better things with my money, I dont have all name brand clothes or all the J's, Not a materialistic person, like many of those today, focus is much bigger, than others can see, I know i'm gonna make it, I believe in me........................ .......................... .................. This is just a sample of a Very long poem


Excerpt From My Book "Thoughts of a Genius" Vol 1, The Relationship Process

Everyone who knows me knows I love to write and that I'm writing a book about building a healthier relationship entitled T.O.A.G. , I will start taking pieces of my writings and sharing with Myspace so I hope you guys enjoy.
Passage From A Guide to a healthier relationship page 16 Author T.O.A.G. a.k.a. Panic b.k.a. Andre'Prewitt
Growth & Change ( Relationship Process)
Change according to Webster's denotes a making or becoming distinctly different and implies either a radical transmutation of character or replacement with something else. To cause to become different; alter; transform; convert.
Many of us make the mistake in relationships by thinking and trying to change the other person. We put all our efforts in trying to "fix" and change our loved ones. Instead of accepting them and loving them as is, we think they would be so much better if only they would act and do things our way. We all want and need unconditional love. No one wants to feel that they can only be loved and accepted by someone if they change according to the wants and desires of that special someone. If you think you can change another person you are really fooling yourself. The only person you can change is you! Once you change others will change. Foe every action there is a reaction. As you change and grow others will change and grow. Change is scary and some people wont want you to change. The fear of the unknown keeps these people fromwanting any change in their lives and so they wont want to see you change. Don't allow allow other peoples fears to hold you back from making the positive changes you desire in life. If you want to change realize it takes time (GROWTH). Dont be hard on yourself if you fall back to old ways. (it happens) We are all creatures of habit. It took a long time for you to be who you are today and you shouldn't expect to change overnight. Also remember that CHANGE IS A CHOICE. You can choose to start today and learn to develop and create positive changes you want. Remember a good loving relationship is one that allows each person to be himself or herself. Each person needs the freedom to grow and change at their own pace as they see fit.

T.O.A.G. a.k.a. Andre' Prewitt b.k.a. Panic, I hope ya'll like it

Monday, August 18, 2008

Women, Know your worth?

If a man wants you, nothing can keep him away. If he doesn't want you, nothing can make him stay. Stop making excuses for a man and his behavior. Allow your intuition (or spirit) to save you from heartache. Stop trying to change yourselves for a relationship that's not meant to be. Slower is better. Never live your life for a man before you find what makes you truly happy. If a relationship ends because the man was not treating you as you deserve then heck no, you can't "be friends." A friend wouldn't mistreat a friend. Don't settle. If you feel like he is stringing you along, then he probably is. Don't stay because you think "it will get better." You'll be mad at yourself a year later for staying when things are not better. The only person you can control in a relationship is you. Avoid men who've got a bunch of children by a bunch of different women. He didn't marry them when he got them pregnant, Why would he treat you any differently? Always have your own set of friends separate from his. Maintain boundaries in how a guy treats you. If something bothers you, speak up. Never let a man know everything. He will use it against you later. You cannot change a man's behavior. Change comes from within. Don't EVER make him feel he is more important than you are...even if he has more education or in a better job. Do not make him into a quasi-god. He is a man, nothing more nothing less. Never let a man define who you are. Never borrow someone else's man. Oh Lord! If he cheated with you, he'll cheat on you. A man will only treat you the way you ALLOW him to treat you. All men are NOT dogs. You should not be the one doing all the bending...compromise is a two-way street. You need time to heal between relationships...there is nothing cute about baggage... deal with your issues before pursuing a new relationship You should never look for someone to COMPLETE you...a relationship consists of two WHOLE individuals...look for someone complimentary...not supplementary. Dating is fun...even if he doesn't turn out to be Mr.. Right. Make him miss you sometimes...when a man always know where you are, and your always readily available to him- he takes it for granted. Don't fully commit to a man who doesn't give you everything that you need. Keep him in your radar but get to know others. Share this with other ladies..... You'll make someone SMILE, another RETHINK her choices, and another woman PREPARE. They say it takes a minute to find a special person, an hour to appreciate them, a day to love them and an entire lifetime to forget them.